Grown under the right conditions, Cineraria are bushy, colourful and very attractive potted plants. Vast improvements in both seed quality and growing techniques have brought this old favourite back to contend with the potmums and other more familiar potted plants that we are so used to seeing. |
Plants grown at Nanticoke Greenhouses Limited are a dwarf intermediate strain, growing 1-foot tall and having a compact, free-flowering growth. They all come in a wide range of colors. |
February 2002: Our 2001 cineraria crop is finished, thank you for your patronage. contact us for information about next seasons crop.
December 2001: Our 2001 cineraria crop is currently shipping! New 'staging' photos will be taken each week. click here to go directly to the latest photos.
November 2001: Our 2001 cineraria production is uderway. The target shipping month is January 2002. Once the christmas rush is over, these bright cheerful plants are the perfect choice to replace those aging poinsettias.
Look for the addition of the cineraria production tour in the near future as the plants develop, and pictures are taken. This year we also have a broader spectrum of colours to choose from.